Select the name for preschool in France: lycée école primaire école maternelle collège
Answer 1
Select the name for preschool in France: - école maternelle
Answer 2
hi !!
The name for preschool in France = école maternelle
Here is the right order = école maternelle, then (at 6 years old) école primaire (cours préparatoire, cours élémentaire 1 ère année, cours élémentaire 2 ème année , cours moyen 1 ère année , cours moyen 2ème année) (as it is already said above) Then collège (6 ème, 5ème , 4ème , 3 ème the end of the 3 ème you have an exam called "Le brevet des collèges" which is a recap of what you've learned ...It's the first State exam. Then Lycée = Seconde, Première , Terminale. At the end of the Terminale , you have the Baccalauréat (the French Part of the "Bac" is at the end of the Première). The "Bac is the exam meaning you've finished your studies at school. It may be a scientific , literary ,economic....Bac . It will allow you to pursue your studies at university for example....
Here how it works in France !!
hope I helped !!
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