C."Though women in her time had little freedom and few choices, she achieved her ambition to become a professional artist."
Although born in a wealthy family, her parents planned to raise her to be " a proper wife and mother" without indulging in artistic life. However, during her school days, she fell in love with painting and enrolled in the Academy of the Fine Arts. Since women had very limited choice for future life and education, and weren't expected to enrol such prestigious "all-male" school, she was constantly in conflict with professors and other students. Dissatisfied with this treatment she drops off school and goes to France where she finally starts her artistic career and meets with famous French Impressionists.
Despite lack of support from her father and society, she followed her dreams and eventually became one of the leading artists of Impressionist movement.
She set a bright example for all future female artists to never give up and fight for their dreams.