Computers and Technology
Design a class named Car that has the following fields:yearModel: an int instance variable that holds the cars year model.make: a string instance variable that holds the make of the car.speed: an int instance variable that holds the cars current speed.In addition, the class should have the following methods.Constructor 1: no-arg constructor set the yearModel, make and speed to 2000, Nissan and 4, respectively.Constructor 2: this is an overloaded constructor. This constructor should accept the cars year model, speed, and make as arguments. These values should be assigned to the objects yearModel, speed and make fields.Accessor (getters): appropriate accessor methods to get the values stored in an objects yearModel, make, and speed fields.Mutator (setters): appropriate mutator methods to store values in an objects yearModel, make, and speed fields.toString: returns a string describing the objects yearModel, make and speed.
Create a java program that has a code file with main() in it and another code file with a separate class. You will be creating objects of the class in the running program, just as the chapter example creates objects of the Account class. Your system creates a registration bills for the billing part of a college. Create a class called Registration that holds the following information: first name, last name, number of credits, additional fees. The class should have all the gets and sets and also have a method to show the bill (with their name and the total which is 70 per credit + the additional fees) to the student. (You cannot have spaces in variable names. So you might call the first one firstName, first_name, fname or any other appropriate and legal variable name. The write up above is telling you the information to be stored in English, not java). Create 2 objects of Registration in your main code class and display the bills to the user with the method that shows the bill. Then add 3 credit hours to the first one, and subtract 3 credit hours from the second one and show the bills for both to the user again. (Hint: use the get) to read it out to a variable, add 3 (or subtract 3 for the second on), then use the set0 to store it back in replacing the old number of credit hours in the object.) (You can hard code the names, credit hours, and additional hours you are storing in the 2 Registration objects or ask the used for them with a Scanner. Either way is fine. It is perfectly all right from a grading standpoint to just give it test values like the chapter example does).