Problem 4: The built-in function clock returns a row vector that contains 6 elements: the first three are the current date (year, month, day) and the last three represent the current time in hours (24 hour clock), minutes, and seconds. The seconds is a real number, but all others are integers. Use function sprintf to accomplish the following formatting exercises. a) Get the current date and time and store them in p4a. The current date and time should be the date and time when the grader calls your script. b) Using the format 'YYYY:MM:DD', write the current date to string p4b. Here, YYYY, MM, and DD correspond to 4-digit year, 2-digit month, and 2-digit day, respectively. c) Using the format 'HH:MM:SS.SSSS', write the current time to string p4c. Here, HH, MM, and SS.SSSS correspond to 2-digit hour, 2-digit minute and 7-character second (2 digits before the decimal point and 4 digits after the decimal points), respectively. d) Remove the last 5 characters from the string in part (c) so that the format is now 'HH:MM:SS'. Put the answer into string p4d. e) Combine the strings in part (b) and part (d) together separated by a single space. Put theanswer in string p4e